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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Live Healthy With Apple

'Eve tasted the "forbidden fruit" and the paradise was lost.' The apple proved to be a disaster for the entire human being according to our mythology. But today, we are suggested by doctors to add this forbidden fruit in our diet for a healthy life. What a sheer mismatch of myth and science! Anyways, but the truth is apples are one of the most loved snacks and approximately there are 7000 varieties of apple available across the globe. The mantra of "apple a day keeps doctor away" is true with the kind of benefit we get by eating apple. This article will tell you why you should add apple in your dietary plan and other related health benefits.

Benefits of apple eating

Apple is also said to be airy fruit as 25 percent of an apple's volume is air (this is the reason why they float when put in water) but remaining is filled with different vitamins and nutrients. The main beneficial ingredients are the flavonoids, phenols, fibre, fructose and the strong antioxidants, quercetin, catechin, phloridzin, chlorogenic acid and vitamin C. Apples contain both insoluble and soluble fibre which can lower cholesterol, relieve constipation, and protect against cancer (especially breast and colon cancer), heart attack, macular degeneration, menopausal bone loss, asthma, type II diabetes, strokes, increased lung function and weight loss.

The soluble fibre helps to expel toxins such as heavy metals like lead and mercury from the body. The flavonoids within apples have been found to prevent heart disease and if you prone to kidneys stones, research show that by drinking up to 1 liter of apple juice a day, it will reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. Other nutrients found in apple are

• Beta-carotene
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Pectin
• Phosphorus

Apples are tasty to eat, low in calories, a natural mouth freshener, and they are less expensive and easy to carry as a snack. Apples have antioxidant property which keeps our skin glowing and prevent us from various diseases. When hungry go for an apple in spite of oily, unhealthy snack, it will also help you to keep your body weight under control. It is a good idea to eat apples with their skin. Almost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. By peeling the skin we are cutting down the nutrients and vitamins values of apple.

Apples can be taken as whole or added in diet in the form of a milk shake, or salad. Apple muffins or apple cake will be a good alternative for healthy breakfast. Studies show that the consumption of apple juice can assist in delaying, even preventing the initial signs of Alzheimer disease. Apple juices produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is essential to healthy brain functioning and good memory. Not to forget, apples are good for teeth as well. So next time you say no to an apple, just think of the numerous health benefits it has. Now explore the new world of health and beauty with the so-called "forbidden fruit".

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